That’s My Jam: 2nd Edition (now in print!)

Can you believe it’s been 7 years since I first released That’s My Jam? (The fact that it’s been 11 years since Cookie Dough Lover’s and Breakfast for Dinner is even more unbelievable.)

I figured it the time was ripe for an update (pun intended).

The new version is updated and expanded with a dozen new recipes that didn’t make it in the 1st edition, including 5 brand new and exclusive jam recipes you won’t see anywhere else. I also added an entire new chapter called Shoulder Season, showcasing jams and jellies that combine fruits and flavors from different seasons (like apple/rose and blueberry/Meyer lemon).

In addition, all recipes have now been updated to include metric measurements (hooray!), there’s a gorgeous new cover, and the whole thing has been redesigned and reformatted for print.

You heard me right… print.

That's my Jam Hardcover book stack

Yep, that’s right, you can now get an actual, physical, gorgeous hardcover copy of That’s My Jam for your kitchen library! I personally prefer cooking from a physical book instead of a digital pdf or website, so this was partially a selfish decision so I’d have a hard copy for my own kitchen. But I hope you love it too. :)

This whole process took me way longer than I initially anticipated which is why this is launching now and not at the beginning of canning season like I’d originally hoped. But the whole point of the book is that every season is canning season, right?

Of course, the fact I decided to give the book a design makeover, add metric measurements for all the recipes, and add half a dozen brand new recipes was part of the reason. But the final result is so worth it!

The gorgeous 172-page hardcover book is currently only available through my site, available for both US and International shipping (please note the book was briefly listed on Amazon/B&N/etc but the quality was so crummy I ultimately decided to print it elsewhere and just sell it myself, so if you see it there please don’t buy that version).

Buying Options

Limited Edition *SIGNED* Book Bundle

This special limited edition package that comes with a signed hardcover book, a box of my favorite Pomona’s pectin, plus a blueberry or lemon fruit notepad.

Estimated delivery time 2-3 weeks.

Digital PDF eBook

The ebook version has also been updated, now only available as a single bundle edition with all the same new recipes as the print version just in a convenient digital PDF format.

If you previously purchased the ebook, keep an eye on your inbox for an exclusive discount code to upgrade to the new edition. :)

That's My Jam ebook ipad mockup

You can also get a standalone hardcover copy as well if you don’t need or want the full bundle. See all buying options in the new Love & Olive Oil Shop.

Lindsay Landis author photo for That's My Jam Cookbook

Have I had this shirt in my closet for years and finally found the perfect occasion to wear it? Indeed.

What’s Inside

  • 52 unique recipes for homemade jams and jellies, organized by season (including a new SHOULDER SEASON chapter with recipes combining fruits from multiple seasons).
  • 13 BONUS recipes for sweet and savory dishes to showcase your jams.
  • Access to downloadable printable labels for each and every recipe, for gift-ready jams.
  • Getting started tips, tools, and information for new and experienced canners alike.
  • Resources for supplies, jars, and extended reading.
That's My Jam hardcover book front and back covers.

If you are…

  • An experienced canner looking for some unique new recipes or some designerly labels to up your packaging game…
  • A beginning canner looking to play with new flavors and techniques…
  • A newbie who has been wanting to learn how to can but has been hesitant to try…

…this book is for you!

Some highlights…

I am so excited to finally be able to offer a hardcover version of this book, and hope you are too!

Because I am handling all shipping and fulfillment myself, estimated ship time is currently 2-3 weeks (and I appreciate your patience here as I’m not Amazon). While this isn’t ideal, it was the best way for me to be able to offer a high quality printed book at a reasonable price.

Of course, I’ll still be offering plenty of jam and canning recipes here on the blog (I’ve got no shortage of ideas for new and unique combinations). Please visit the canning recipes archive for all the past published recipes, plus the freebies & printables archives for all the recipes with free printable labels available (I also hope to start offering more editable Canva templates here in the near future).

Thanks everyone for your continued support!

Happy Canning!
– Lindsay

from Love and Olive Oil


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