Easy Power Bowls

This veggie power bowl makes an irresistibly healthy dinner or lunch! Serve roasted and fresh veggies with a whole grain and creamy sauce.

Power Bowl

The bowl meal isn’t revolutionary, but dang is it satisfying! There are millions of variations, but we think there’s always room for one more idea. Introducing our easy Veggie Power Bowl! This combination of whole grain, veggies, protein and a sauce makes dinnertime delicious. This one is irresistibly good, pairing quinoa with tender roasted broccoli and cauliflower, crunchy raw veg, and finished off with a creamy pop of tahini sauce. Serve it in a shallow bowl and well, it’s swoon-worthy.

Components in this power bowl

The formula for a great power bowl pairs a few key components to make a filling, healthy meal. When you construct it, you’ll want to think about contrasts in colors, flavors, and textures. You’ll also want to make sure that you have enough protein to keep it filling! This is a vegan protein bowl that goes big on plant-based protein. Here are the components of a great power bowl, then we’ll provide more details on each below:

  • Whole grain
  • Veggies, ideally roasted and fresh veggies for contrasts in texture
  • Protein, vegan, vegetarian, seafood or meat
  • Sauce
Veggie Bowl

Choosing your whole grain

In this power bowl we chose quinoa as the grain: but you can opt for whatever grain you’d like! Here are a few options:

  • Quinoa is a versatile whole grain that’s actually a seed, not a grain. It’s gluten-free and relatively quick to cook (about 20 minutes total).
  • Couscous is actually tiny grains of pasta: we like it because it takes 10 minutes! Use this if you have a need for speed. Keep in mind it’s not gluten-free.
  • Rice is an easy gluten-free whole grain. Try our Coconut Rice or Cilantro Lime Rice.
  • Farro is a chewy whole grain that’s similar to barley, but cooks faster. Keep in mind it’s not gluten-free.
  • Bulgur wheat is even quicker to cook: it takes 10 minutes (also not gluten-free).

For the power bowl veggies

When you think about veggies in a power bowl, it’s all about contrasts in colors, flavors and textures! That’s why we like a combination of roasted veggies and fresh veggies if possible. The hearty, savory vibes of roasted veg against the fresh crunch of fresh can’t be beat. In this power bowl we used a favorite combo of roasted broccoli and cauliflower. Here are a few other ideas in the roasted category:

Power Bowl

Protein in a power bowl

This power bowl is vegan, so it relies on a quick and easy plant-based protein: canned chickpeas! It’s our favorite idea for quick and easy vegan protein for a bowl meal. But there are lots of different ways to add protein here, including seafood. Here are a few protein options:

Sauces and drizzles

The best part of a power bowl? The sauce! Don’t overlook this aspect: it brings the dominating flavoring to your veggie bowl. Here we used our fan-favorite Tahini Sauce, a blend of lemon and creamy tahini that’s utterly irresistible (we think!). But there are many different options. Here are some favorite veggie bowl sauces:

And that’s it! Let us know what you think of this veggie power bowl and what you choose for your elements. We love this combination, but there are endless variations!

Tahini Dressing

More veggie bowl recipes

There are so many more different veggie bowl meal ideas! Here are some favorite bowl recipes:

This power bowl recipe is…

Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, dairy-free and gluten-free.

Power Bowl

Veggie Power Bowls


This veggie power bowl makes an irresistibly healthy dinner or lunch! Serve roasted and fresh veggies with a whole grain and creamy sauce. See above for more ideas for protein adders.



  1. Start the Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower.
  2. Make the quinoa: Rinse the quinoa using a fine mesh strainer, then drain it completely. Place it in a saucepan with 1 ¾ cups water and ¼ teaspoon kosher salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low. Cover the pot and simmer where the water is just bubbling for about 15 to 18 minutes, until the water has been completely absorbed. (Check by pulling back the quinoa with a fork to see if water remains.) Turn off the heat and let sit with the lid on to steam for 5 minutes, then fluff the quinoa with a fork. 
  3. Meanwhile, prep the veggies: Drain and rinse the chickpeas, and mix them with the olive oil and kosher salt. Slice the radishes, peel and slice the kohlrabi, and shred the carrot.
  4. Make the dressing: stir together the Tahini Sauce or Sesame Ginger Dressing.
  5. To serve, place the greens in a shallow bowl, then top with the quinoa, roasted veggies, fresh veggies, and a drizzle of the sauce.
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 25 minutes
  • Category: Main dish
  • Method: Roasted
  • Cuisine: Vegan

Keywords: Power bowl, veggie bowl

A Couple Cooks - Recipes worth repeating.

from A Couple Cooks https://ift.tt/nXS5uwO

Mocha Frappe

The Mocha Frappe is a frozen coffee drink that’s so easy to whip up at home! All you need are 4 ingredients, plus ice.

Mocha Frappe

You don’t need to venture out of the house when you’re craving a frappe: try this sweet and frosty homemade Mocha Frappe! It’s as easy as 4 ingredients, ice, and a blender. This one comes out fluffy and chocolaty, with a subtle bitter coffee finish. It’s irresistibly sippable and takes just 2 minutes to blend up. Usually we tend toward more classic coffee drinks…but this one is just too good!

Ingredients in a mocha frappe

A frappé is a frozen coffee drink of blended instant coffee, sugar and water or milk. It was invented in Greece in the 1950’s by Dimitris Vakondios, who worked for coffee company Nescafe. So it’s no surprise the classic frappé was made with Nescafe instant coffee! A similar drink at Starbucks is the Frappuccino: it’s sweeter and creamier and made with espresso.

This mocha frappe recipe takes inspiration from the classic, and adds a twist of chocolate similar to the drink you can find at McDonalds. This one tastes better, in our opinion! It’s sweetened just enough, and it’s chocolaty and frothy. Here’s what you’ll need (or head to the recipe below):

  • Instant espresso powder
  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Cocoa powder
  • Ice
Mocha frappe

The magic ingredient: instant espresso powder

The important ingredient in a frappe? This mocha frappe uses instant espresso powder. It’s ideal for a frappe because it adds coffee flavor without watering down the drink. We tried a few variations with coffee, but instant espresso powder brought just the right bitter flavor. Espresso powder is key to get that mocha flavor (since a Mocha is made with espresso, not coffee.)

The instant espresso powder we used was Delallo brand, but there are lots of other great brands out there. Side bonus: you can also use it for desserts, like tiramisu! Often chocolate cake recipes call for espresso powder because it brings out the chocolate flavor (like this chocolate zucchini cake).

Mocha frappe

Toppings for a mocha frappe

It’s not necessary to top a mocha frappe with whipped cream: and we’re not huge sweet coffee drink people, so we typically don’t. But it does make it look so much more festive! Here are a few options for toppings:

  • Whipped cream: Homemade whipped cream is infinitely better than the store-bought stuff; and easy to make, too
  • Chocolate sauce: It’s fun and festive with a little drizzle
  • Chopped or shaved chocolate: Chocolate shavings also look great
  • Sprinkles: Why not?
  • Festive straws: It’s all about the presentation! We like these striped paper straws.

Variation: vegan and dairy free

Want to make a vegan or dairy free mocha frappe? It’s easy: just use oat milk instead of dairy milk! Oat milk is our ideal for coffee drinks because of its creamy texture and neutral flavor. We much prefer it to something like almond milk or soy milk. But feel free to use whatever non-dairy milk you prefer.

What to do for the topping? Make Vegan Whipped Cream! It’s easy and comes out perfectly fluffy (you just have to think ahead a few hours).

More coffee drinks

Love making coffee drinks at home? Here are some of our top coffee drinks and espresso drinks to make:

This mocha frappe recipe is…

Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, dairy-free and gluten-free.

Mocha frappe

Mocha Frappe


The Mocha Frappe is a frozen coffee drink that’s so easy to whip up at home! All you need are 4 ingredients, plus ice.


  • ¾ cup milk (or oat milk for dairy free)
  • 1 ½ tablespoons sugar*
  • 1 tablespoon instant espresso powder
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1 cup ice
  • Whipped cream (optional)
  • Chocolate sauce, to drizzle (optional)


  1. Place the milk, sugar, espresso powder and cocoa powder in a blender and blend a few seconds until combined.
  2. Add the ice and blend until creamy. Top with whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate sauce, if desired.


*The flavor comes out pleasantly sweet. If you prefer very sweet coffee drinks, feel free to adjust the sugar to your taste.

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 0 minutes
  • Category: Drink
  • Method: Blended
  • Cuisine: Coffee

Keywords: Frappe, Mocha Frappe

A Couple Cooks - Recipes worth repeating.

from A Couple Cooks https://ift.tt/j8YPhde

Easy White Bean Salad

This quick white bean salad is bursting with Mediterranean flavor! It’s great for a fast lunch or an easy side dish.

White Bean Salad

We’re always on the hunt for quick and easy lunch ideas over here. Here’s our newest invention you can mix up in minutes: White Bean Salad! It’s bursting with Mediterranean flavor from simple ingredients: bell pepper brings a crunch, parsley an herbaceous bite, and red wine vinegar brings a zing of acidity. Top with a sprinkle of feta, and it’s irresistibly tasty with minimal effort. We often lean on bean recipes for healthy lunches, and this simple mix hits it out of the park for us. It also does double duty as an easy side dish!

Ingredients in white bean salad

This white bean salad is perfect for lunches: we created the recipe as something you could whip up on the fly right before eating. Or, it’s great as a party salad: especially for summer picnics or potlucks! The ingredients are optimized for it to stay well in the refrigerator, but it’s great for eating right away. Here’s what you’ll need for this white bean salad:

  • Navy beans or cannellini beans (see below)
  • Red pepper
  • Red onion or shallot
  • Parsley
  • Olive oil
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper
  • Feta cheese
White Bean Salad

Navy beans vs cannellini

This white bean salad leans on a bean that’s worth seeking out: navy beans! They’re small and have a velvety texture and nutty flavor. Cannellini beans are easiest to find at the grocery, but they can sometimes taste a little mushy. Navy beans have a nice pop when you bite into them, which makes them our top choice for this salad.

Navy beans are worth seeking out, though sometimes we have a harder time finding them at our local grocery (yes, we’ve made some extra grocery trips!). Of course, you can substitute cannellini beans if desired and this salad still tastes great.

Olive oil & vinegar quantities

One note on the oil and vinegar quantities in this white bean salad! We’ve provided two options depending on how you’re serving it.

  • Use less oil and vinegar if eating right away. Make it to eat for lunch right away, and you can get away with ½ tablespoon oil and vinegar. It tastes great right when you mix it up.
  • Use more if storing it refrigerated or making for a party. Use 1 tablespoon each oil and vinegar and it makes more of a marinated bean salad texture. This is best here because it can dry out in the fridge or as it sits.
White Bean Salad

Make a double batch for a party

Want to make this white bean salad for a party? The quantity in the recipe below makes enough for 2 large lunch servings or 4 small servings as a side dish. We kept it this size because we eat it primarily as a lunch salad: and it’s easy to double.

Making it for a party or entertaining? Make a double batch! You’ll want to use the larger quantity of oil and vinegar for the party size, which will be 2 tablespoons each oil and vinegar. Click the 2x button in the recipe below.

Ways to serve this white bean salad

This white bean salad is ultra versatile: it works from healthy lunches to picnics to cookouts to quick sides! Here are a few ways to serve it:

  • For lunches, stored in a covered jar
  • With shrimp like baked shrimp or sautéed shrimp as a fast and easy meal
  • With salmon like baked salmon or pan seared salmon
  • At a picnic or potluck (double recipe)
  • With chopped ripe tomatoes when in season
  • With other fresh herbs like basil, oregano, chives or thyme when in season

More bean salad recipes

Love a good bean salad? We could eat them every day of the week. Here are a few more ways to use beans:

This white bean salad recipe is…

Vegetarian and gluten-free. For vegan, plant-based, and dairy-free, omit the feta cheese.

White Bean Salad

Easy White Bean Salad

  • Author: Sonja Overhiser
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 2 large or 4 side dish servings
  • Diet: Vegetarian


This quick white bean salad is bursting with Mediterranean flavor! It’s great for a fast lunch or an easy side dish.


  • 1 can navy beans* (or cannellini beans)
  • ½ cup diced red bell pepper (or substitute sliced ripe cherry tomatoes, when in season)
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped red onion or shallot
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley (or green onion top or other herbs)
  • 1/2 to 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 to 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • ½ tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
  • Fresh ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons feta cheese (omit for vegan)


  1. Drain and rinse the beans.
  2. Dice the bell pepper. Mince the red onion, and chop the parsley.
  3. In a bowl, mix together all ingredients (if you’re eating right away, use the ½ tablespoon oil and vinegar; if making to refrigerate or for a party where it will sit out, use 1 tablespoon). Taste and add additional salt if desired. Saves up to 3 days refrigerated; taste and add additional salt, olive oil and vinegar after storage.


*If making for a party, make a double recipe (use the 2x button).

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 0 minutes
  • Category: Side dish
  • Method: No cook
  • Cuisine: Salad

Keywords: White bean salad

A Couple Cooks - Recipes worth repeating.

from A Couple Cooks https://ift.tt/HZSPVuy

Triple Lemon Layer Cake

Lemon lovers: this one’s for you! Layers of light and buttery lemon cake (the reverse-cream method produces a particularly cotton-soft textu...